Enrolling in truck driver training doesn’t have to be expensive. Many programs offer discounted rates and financial assistance to make achieving your career goals as affordable as possible.
Napier Truck Driving Training, one of the most respected schools in the Midwest since 1973, has trained over 10,000 professionals from a variety of backgrounds at an affordable rate. No matter your income, starting a career in this booming field is within your reach!
Employer Tuition Reimbursement
Companies trust Napier to recruit and train top talent, which is why throughout the year, major carriers stop by Napier to recruit new, qualified drivers into their programs. This is a great opportunity for students because it gives them peace of mind during their job search and will alleviate some of the financial burden experienced while in school.
Most of the truck driving companies we work with offer tuition reimbursement to help cover the cost of your CDL training. You invest in your training now and once you find the company you want to drive for they will incrementally back you back for your training time!
Government Initiatives
Because of Ohio’s dedication to building a better, stronger workforce, it has implemented new programs aimed at helping eligible workers obtain tuition assistance. Programs such as Ohio’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and Workforce Investment Act were implemented to increase employment for workers in a variety of situations.
Partnership Program
Napier has received a grant from Hamilton County to help fund training for eligible recipients. This grant will cover books and fees, tuition, and training for students who need the assistance the most. Learn more to see if you are qualified.
Veterans Benefits
Because you served, Napier wants you to save on tuition. Napier is proud to offer financial assistance programs for active service members, reservists, veterans, dependents, and spouses under the following programs:
- Post 9/11 GI Bill®
- Montgomery GI Bill® (MGIB) or Chapter 30
- Chapter 1606 – Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR)
- Chapter 1607 – Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)
- Chapter 31 – Special Vocational Training (SVT)
- Chapter 35 – Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Program (DEA)
- Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA)
Student Loans
Like applying for university loans, many local and national lenders understand the importance of investing in a worthwhile career. Obtaining a private loan to cover the small cost of truck driving school can help alleviate the pressure and burden of upfront costs and make repayment easy and painless by putting off payments until you land your first job.
To learn more about Napier’s extensive financial aid benefits, contact us today. Your future career as a professional truck driver is waiting!